By Dan Slavin
Cell and smartphone use is up markedly since 2011. In fact, Pew Research says smartphone use has more than doubled in the past seven years with 77% of Americans owning a smartphone. That number is even higher in attractive demographics like 18- to 29-year-olds (94%). Even smartphone use in the 50-64 age group is strong at 73%.
Smartphone-only users
Pew also noted another trend in its research called “smartphone-only” users, defined as a group that relies exclusively on handheld devices to access the internet, bypassing a cable service. As of 2018, this accounted for one in five smartphone users, an amount that has doubled in the past five years. Smartphone dependency is strongest among younger users ages 18-29 years old (28%) and expanding.
The point is that it’s not just smartphone use that is growing—the number of people totally dependent on these devices to access the internet is rising as well. Both segments are projected to continue to show strong growth. Yet some marketers and retailers are struggling with attracting these users with offers and coupons.
It is with this thought that CodeBroker launched its mobile marketing research series, including its newest report, Consumer Mobile Engagement Research Results. The survey involved 1,552 participants of which 53% were female and 47% male. Its goal was to determine how to best appeal to consumers through mobile marketing efforts like coupons and offers. The results may change the way you reach mobile users.
The survey results show the power of a multi-channel approach to mobile marketing and how best to use the various channels available. It also provides powerful insights into how to effectively expand marketing list sign-ups and even demonstrates consumer willingness to share more personal data based on an attractive initial sign-up offer.
How Consumers Prefer to Receive Mobile Coupons
The significance of using a multi-channel approach with mobile marketing is evident when looking at the data collected behind the question, “How do you prefer to receive mobile coupons from retailers?” Survey respondents were virtually split between email and text in their priority for receiving mobile coupons.
- 35.24% – Email
- 34.85% – Text Messages
- 23% – Push/App
- 7% – Website
While a first glance may suggest email and as the number-one choice for most, using it exclusively would ignore 65% of a retailer’s potential audience. In other words, marketers that take a single channel approach in their outreach efforts are missing a majority of their target base.
These results were further validated with responses to the question, “What is your preferred way to receive retailer messages promoting sales, discounts, and coupons on your mobile device?”
- 41% – Email
- 38% – Text Message
- 21% – Push/App
Again, a limited approach using a single channel leaves marketing to large segments of consumers behind.
The Power of Text Message Marketing for Coupons, List Sign-ups
The research delved into the power of text messaging in reaching consumers with mobile coupons and offers. When asked, “Which type of text message do you find most valuable to receive from a retailer?” 53% said mobile coupons. That was followed by 35% who responded with a sale or discount info. The remaining 12% were split between special event details and new product news. Clearly, consumers find texted coupons and offers valuable.
Gathering More Data From Consumers
The report also found that mobile users could be prompted to share more valuable personal data if prompted by the right offer. When asked: “When signing up for a retailer’s text message marketing list, are you willing to provide your name and address if you receive a high-value mobile coupon in return?” a whopping 76% said yes. This is important for marketers and retailers looking to expand their marketing lists and improve demographic and geographic data.
Key Takeaways
- Smartphone use continues to increase; “smartphone-only” users are a growing segment
- A multi-channel approach is best when pitching mobile coupons and offers
- Text message marketing is in a dead heat with email for communications preference according to consumers
- Text message marketing is powerful in building marketing lists
The research also contains valuable information for retailers and marketers looking to rejuvenate stagnant loyalty rewards programs. To access the full report, download Consumer Mobile Engagement Research Results.