Mass text messaging article

Mass Text Messaging + Personalized Offers

Mass Text Messaging is a cost-effective, efficient approach to text message marketing. With just a click, marketers can quickly send promotion text messages and SMS text coupons and offers to millions of recipients. The challenge for marketers is that mass text messaging is typically one message to many – define a generic offer; set up the campaign; blast it out to millions.

Imagine being able to segment mass text messaging promos, and target each segment with a rich, single-use coupon offer. You get the same benefits of mass text messaging, with the advantages that come with the security of single-use coupons and coupon personalization.

Segment and personalize mass text messages

Rather than sending a generic mass text offer to millions, CodeBroker’s customers combine mass text messaging with the delivery of high-quality, single-use coupon offers to different list segments, for more personalized promotions at scale. In addition, according to recent research, a large number of consumers prefer to receive SMS text coupons via promotion text messages.

This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for driving higher response rates and more revenue.


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