By Dan Slavin
I’m pleased to announce the availability of CodeBroker’s latest research: Consumer Mobile Engagement Research Results. You can get it here on our Resources web page.
For the past two years, our team here at CodeBroker has conducted a wide range of consumer research, on topics such as mobile loyalty programs, text message marketing, and mobile coupons. What make this new research so interesting is that it addresses mobile engagement more broadly across all of these topic areas.
In our latest research, we surveyed 1,500 shoppers to gain insights into their preferred way to receive mobile offers, digital coupons and loyalty program info from retailers. The research gives the answers, and you may be surprised by some of the results – particularly on the feedback relating to the use of mobile apps.
We continue to learn that every consumer has his or her preferred way to be engaged via mobile – SMS, wallet, app, email – and when a retailer uses a consumer’s preferred mobile channel, that consumer is more likely to make a purchase and stay engaged.
Some of the highlights:
Promotional text messages are almost even with email as the preferred way consumers want to receive messages, digital coupons and offers from retailers.
When signing up to a retailers’ SMS list, 75% of research participants are willing to provide their name and address in exchange for a mobile coupon. This is great news for marketers who are looking to build higher-quality SMS lists.
Mobile apps are not the preferred way for most consumers to access their loyalty program rewards information from their phones.
This is just a preview. There’s a great deal of insights on mobile engagement in this research report – you can access it here on our website Resources page.